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DDoS attacks- Everything you want to know to protect your E commerce site 8 years ago

If you are running an eCommerce business, it is important to consider the security of your website once again. Just adding SSL layer to protect the transactions is not enough; you must think beyond and hire an expert to add extra layer of protection. Why? Because your site is trusted and used to buy or sell products. Your site is processing real time transactions. If the site is hacked, it will destroy your market reputation.

DDos attacks are the most prominent security threats for an eCommerce business. To fight against these attacks, you need reliable and high quality DDoS Mitigation services.

Why should I worry from DDoS

DDoS or Distributed Denial-of-service is a bad and malicious attack to block a server or network and make it unavailable to the users. Most of the gamers use this technique to block other gamers and increase their winning chances. Competitors also use DDoS methods to destroy the reputation of other business.

There are many types of DDoS attacks:-

• Server Overloading- Multiple numbers of DDoS requests are sent to the server to overload and slow down the processing system. It may result in server crash.

• Network Attacks- Multiple number of DDoS requests are sent to block the main network and choke it.

How do I protect my eCommerce site from DDoS attacks

First, you must prevent these attacks before they actually happen. You must hire a network solution provider dealing in implementing affordable and effective DDoS protection solutions. They will start with analyzing your site infrastructure and identify major loop-holes in application and network area.

They will prepare a customized mitigation strategy and implement techniques to protect your site from major attacks.

The provider will point your DNS to filter traffic results through their high quality DDoS protected network. This is called as Colocation.

The provider will mitigate any possible attacks instantly and ensure there is zero downtime to prevent your business reputation.

The mitigation technology is applied real time to prevent any attacks. It is constantly improved to meet latest security standards.

All type of network and application layer protections like ARP Protection, TCP Protection, HTTP Protection, UDP/ICMP Protection, and Randomized Packet Protection are included to prevent any DDoS attack The provider will ensure to apply mitigation techniques to maintain low latency rate to maintain speed of the site along with security.

Specialized network engineers will work to support and prevent any attacks.

Based on your business requirement, you can opt for shared or dedicated servers in the mitigation network. Dedicated server is optimal for your eCommerce site, if the traffic and transactions are high. Protect your site from DDoS attacks, before it is too late. It is time to act now!

What Services Can you expect from a Dedicated Server Service Provider 8 years ago

As the website owners, we all need a server where all of the data of your website can be saved and gives space for the visitors to surf around easily and discover all of our services. There are several benefits of hiring a colocation and dedicated server hosting service provider to turn the profits through the online presence within a short span of time. Well, more of the results can be drawn only if you know about the variety of the services, the provider is giving to you. A few of them are the operating system, new solution for the problem, system vulnerability solutions, etc.

At most of the websites the customer leaves the feedback or their personal data with an assumption that it will be secured. But often these days the DDoS attacks on the websites have made it a very daunting task to choose the best dedicated server service provider which can not only provide the updates, but also ensure the safety of the data. Therefore, it can be said that the security solutions and scans are also preferred by most of the clients. However, the only those dedicated servers can excel, who also provides the load balancing, DDos protection with the firewall and security audits for the technical supports. Well, though these data centers may provide you the defense system for the virus and malicious attacks, for further assurance and yield the proper professional results, here are a few of the ways through which you can check out in a professional way about the DDos attacks.

The protection option- When the website is attacked and brought to the halt not only a minute but every second is counted. In such cases, the service provider needs to be attentive and have advanced planning with the knowledge that which type of protection option from the cloud based and the appliance based solution. If their system is able to detect about the deployment and make decisions about the tolerance level of the website.

Installation of backup IPs- At times there are situations when the DDoS protection doesn’t work effectively when the attacks are made by the use of 'zombies' or the 'bots' compromised systems. In such situations it is very important the service provider team have the backup of a few of the unpublished IPs which are different from the data center's normal IP range. This technique can help the to reroute the legitimate traffic of genuine customers to use the website while the other DNS change is taking place.

5 Ways To Get Rid Of DDos Attacks! 8 years ago

You might have encountered a variety of DDos protection techniques which help in getting rid of those DDos attacks, isn’t it? With these techniques, your system stays protected against malicious attacks. Previously for curbing DDos attacks, there were several techniques used such as intrusions or firewalls. However, now, new techniques of DDos mitigation have been replacing the old ones! Let us tell you some of the new ones.

• Aggressive aging Earlier there were botnet attacks which didn’t require anything more than opening a valid account. The central data structures were jammed by these connections. With aggressive aging, the system can get rid of these attacks. Yes, connection tables are used in this.

• Connection limiting Connection limiting is a great tool, when it comes to prevention of attacks. When there are several connection requests at a time, the server goes down. The no. of new connections can be limited temporarily. With this, overcrowding can be prevented by the server, thereby giving relief. With this new technique, new connections are held and old ones are prioritized.

• Prevention of Dark Address Scan Dark addresses refer to those IP addresses that IANA hasn’t assigned. The outflow and inflow of these packets signify false alarms. Yes, you heard it right. But, what to do in this case? Number of addresses can be blocked and DDos attacks can be prevented. Opt for dedicated servers and you will never face such a problem.

• Stealth Attack filtering For getting rid of these unwanted attacks, finding out the source of attacks is a must. Mostly, these roots lie in the scans. For revealing IP addresses that are being used, people commonly make use of network scans. When these attackers and attacks are identified, you can easily prevent them. Yes, when proper filters are used, attacks won’t reach a high intensity.

• SYN Proxy In this kind of attack, genuine IP addresses are replicated so that SYN packets are thrown. Now, these packets are backed by the server after being received from IP addresses. Then, they are added to central data structure. Since the commands are false ones, they don’t give any response to packets. This is the reason why networks go down. Usually, SYN Proxy is mainly used in intermediate appliances. What they do is sit in front of server, due to which the responses are replicated. Then, the requests are refused until and unless a response is given with a packet. The connection requests can be screened and only responses that are legitimate go forward. Moreover, there are several other techniques too for DDos mitigation. You can opt for the best one and choose as per your need and suitability. Moreover, there are several services in the market that help in combating against DDos. You can choose a good hosting provider to manage these hassles for you. Once reliable ways are chosen, the information can be kept protected and a great up time is provided to the website.

What does DDOS attacks do to your system? 9 years ago

The Internet has changed the world and it has created so many opportunities for the businesses online. Even the businesses that are not E Commerce businesses would do very well if they get the exposure to digital media. But there are pros and cons of everything. Thus, you will see that with the relevance of the internet, the threat of DDOS attacks have increased. This would mean distributed denial of services. Thus, you need to opt for the best level of DDoS Protection. These things happen on the high profile websites as well. Of course, even the smaller website owners can not run away from the jaws of these attacks. In simple words, DDOS attacks are the malicious attacks that would bring down the networks. The bandwidth would be used up or drained up in such a way that the services would be denied.

Here’s what DDOS attacks would do

DDOS attacks would affect the business badly and thus it would create issues for your system in various ways. In some way it will also create downtime for the networks and thus the business reputation would be affected. DDOS are designed by the very shrewd hackers and there would be issues like:

• downtime for the networks • crash of system • crash of operating system • negative effect on the processors • effect on printers and laptops too

Even the clients who opt for Colocation would face these issues. That’s the reason why it’s important that when you make choice of the web hosting company, you should choose the company that also helps you with the protection from DDOS. Some people opt for cheap web hosting options. But then when you opt for such things then there would be issues like virus attacks and malware attacks.

Take the required steps

When you are looking for the best web hosting option you have to keep a few important things in mind. These would include are you aware of the malware threats? Do you have knowledge of DDOS? Do you have resources to fight off the same? Are you 100% safe and secure? If you get the perfect answers for these then it means that you have already selected the secured network and services. But when you are not sure then you have to take some action. It’s important that you just can’t take such big risks with your company. You have to get the best web hosting options and this will really help you for the longer term solutions.

Most of the clients want quick set up of the protection systems and those that would be easy to maintain. So, just look out for the reviews online about the best DDOS prevention systems and see how they will help you. In the times when the problems of DDOS attacks have increased so much by leaps and bounds, you just can’t take any risk for your system. Just get in touch with the latest options and see how that will provide you with the best options.

For more info: Dedicated Servers

How to choose the best data center services? 9 years ago

There are many cost-efficient solutions from specialist data centers. These services are provided so that business operations can be performed in a very efficient way. Businesses are in need of storage, data and network facilities. The space, power, cooling and other essentials will be managed by the data center so that it will be able to offer affordable solutions to customers. Now, you can make use of advanced facilities where higher power densities and hybridization options can be exercised very efficiently. It is possible to accomplish cloud to cloud connectivity as well.

Business benefits Plenty of business benefits can be enjoyed by subscribing to collocation services. You can take advantage of the recent advancements in the industry. If you hire services from a reputed data center, you will be able to make the most of your time, effort and money. It is possible to improve business efficiency and cut costs by subscribing to the best service. The service levels in an organization can be improved and there will be highest level of satisfaction. The scaling of the business will be done but not the datacenter so that business expansion can be accomplished very easily. When you choose the best services offered by a datacenter, you will be well ahead of others in the market. There will be optional support services for installation, security, monitoring and networking. Your investments will be protected through a physically secured structure. There will be direct access to IP network.

Execution of the project The collocation project will be executed in a very successful way by an expert so that you can focus on core business. The modern centers offer versatile services. These services include equipment inspection, assembly and testing. The installation will be done properly so that resources are utilized very efficiently. In order to tackle DDoS attacks, the server should be installed properly.

You should build an infrastructure that best fit into your business. Solutions can be customized as per your needs. The computing, communications and application needs should be fulfilled in the best possible way. There are datacenters connected to domestic fiber optics and undersea cables.

If you choose a hybrid solution, there will be more control on IT resources. By implementing an integrated strategy, computing resources can be managed very efficiently. Colocation services will be brought together by cloud solutions offered by the best service provider. A datacenter engineered to offer enterprise solutions will let you make the most of your investment. When a facility has access to a variety of critical and complex IT solutions, business operations can be managed very efficiently.

It is possible to maintain very high performance and online business operations can be performed and extended on a continuous basis. There will be availability of flexible connectivity options. The uptime of systems can be improved with the execution of service level agreements. The business will get access to managed security services. Your appliances can be connected to speed and performance. Enterprise applications can be speeded up.]

For more info : Dedicated Servers

How your website can be attacked? 9 years ago

There are different ways to manipulate DDoS attacks. The code can be written by a software programmer to filter the bad traffic. If there are simplest attacks, you will be able to manage operations without any issues. In some cases, the firewall will be configured to block traffic that originates with certain attributes. This kind of protection will be incomplete and it is not guaranteed that you will be able to offer access to your site in spite of attacks. By choosing professional service offered by a reputed company, your needs will be fulfilled in the best possible way.

Handling trivial attacks The server should be protected in a robust manner so that DDoS attacks will not compromise your services. The firewall may break if there are trivial attacks. However, with an enhanced DDoS Protection, there will not be any issues. In order to stop the attack, specialized equipment will be deployed at your site. The specialized hardware will sit at datacenters and operations will be performed in the best possible way. The detection and filtration of malicious traffic will be done very quickly. Skilled network and security engineers will be able to resolve various kinds of issues in the best possible way. Latest threats will also be handled by implementing the best strategy. There will not be any scope to offer solutions on trial and error basis. Proven solutions are offered so that the website will be readily available to give access to genuine users.

Handling volumetric attacks Volumetric attacks will be handled when you have access to the best service provider. If there are very large attacks, there will not be enough bandwidth. The server should be able to withstand even though the attack exceeds the network capacity.

There are some internet service providers who can offer DDoS Protection to some extent. However, it is hard to offer realistic services as the handling of volumetric attacks should be done by special systems. Experts will monitor the situation and special features will be implemented as per the needs of the client. If you subscribe to mitigation solutions, the cost will be very low. You can subscribe to cloud mitigation service also so that there will be great protection from severe DDoS attacks. The traffic will be scrubbed and only clean traffic will be sent to the required destination.

By choosing the best mitigation service, you will get access to expertise. There will be access to lots of bandwidth. Biggest volumetric attacks will be thwarted and the access to the website can be managed in a very efficient way. There are multiple-types of DDoS mitigation hardware appliances. It is hard to purchase and manage all these resources without having technical competence.

As you choose the services of a reputed mitigation company, you will have absolute peace of mind. They will monitor new patterns and most appropriate strategies will be implemented so that there will not be any issues. Thus, you can enhance the security of your site by hiring the best DDoS mitigation service.

To know more info : Colocation

Protecting Oneself from Cyber Crimes 9 years ago

With advancements in technology, everyday people are coming across different softwares and technical advancements which are making life smooth and happy. But with every advancement comes crime, security is being questioned. Cyber crimes are on the rise, there is no secured way to protect the information because people are finding various means to conduct crimes. Most Common Cyber Crimes happening every now and then are:  Spoofing: Unlawfully accessing a computer without any authorization and sending multiple emails with the intent to deceive.  Extortion: Using the internet to threat someone for money.  Hacking: Accessing personal information by hacking the server without any authorization.  Betting: Engaging in betting on any sports or any other thing to make money through the internet.  DDoS: It is an attempt to make a machine or network service unavailable to some intended users, may be temporary or permanently. These are some out of many cyber crimes happening on a daily basis, which is making people feel scared of using the technology. Advancements in technology must be a boon for people not a curse, so to prevent all these crimes special measures are being taken by the experts. Distributed Denial of service attack is the one crime which is getting attention of most of the criminals, as it interrupts the services of the host connected to the internet. Common targets are where high profile servers are used such as banks, and gateways. Symptoms of DDoS are:  Slow network performance  Unavailability of Particular website  Dramatic increase in spam emails  Disconnection of internet connection  Long term denial of access to certain web page These are some symptoms when the server is targeted by DDoS, but of course every problem comes with a solution, so is this one. DDoS Mitigation is a technique that resists DDoS attacks on the internet by protecting the networks. This technique keeps a proper check on the cyber traffic and filters the traffic as and when required by examining the IP address, cookie variations, HTTP readers and JavaScript footprints. This technique is widely used by the experts as it is available on cloud servers as well and performs its functions automatically. For the people who believe in having a fully private and confidential server, must plan to opt for Dedicated Servers, these are specifically designed for clients who want full control over the servers. It is a type of internet hosting in which the client leases a whole server and nobody else has the access to use that server. Benefits of Controlled Servers are: High Performance Security Email Stability Control No Spam Emails Control Over Traffic So, for the ones who deal with highly confidential matters and are tired of large amount of traffic, switching to managed hosting service is the best ever option available to them, it will eventually increase the level of performance in less time and will bring more efficiency in work. So, as fast as possible contact the experts and get set to save one from crimes.

For more info: Colocation

Choose a reliable DDoS protection service for safety of your online business operations 9 years ago

With more and more businesses choosing to use technology for their operations they need to ensure that they also invest in right IT infrastructure. Irrespective of whatever trade and business one is in they need to choose the technology which can make operations simple as well as meaningful. When it comes to the use of technology it simply does not mean only software’s but also good quality hardware components. Their combined usage results into a structured framework on which the entire business operation can run smoothly and can offer the required output. With these systems in place, work efficiency is increased with zero or minimum work redundancy on which saves ample of time which otherwise can be utilised in something more meaningful.

Computerisation of systems and process has greatly increased the output and has greatly reduced physical efforts. It is time to use brain and logic and see how things can be improved and better results can be achieved without many efforts. This is the reason more and more companies are counting on their advanced systems and processes in place which is making things better for them. The majority of the businesses have gone online thus they can offer their products and services to customer anytime when they want. Business website and portals are an integral part of each business as this is the basics which they have to maintain. However with these many websites offering services to customers there comes the threat of DDoS attacks.

There are many groups or individuals who believe in hacking and attacking different websites for information or for fun and thus, they release viruses which can attack any business website and bring it down. Once the business website is shut it can results into huge business loss as well as it can also lead to customers losing trust in any company or its product. Thus, DDoS protection is an important service which is essential for each organisation. Each business owner needs to ensure to invest in getting a right professional consultant or expert who can offer them reliable and trustworthy DDoS protection and solution. They provide DDoS protection as well as collocation services to customers ensuring that their website and data is safe on dedicated servers rather than sharing the server space which increases the chance of servers being attacked.

These professional experts have immense knowledge and expertise to understand the client requirement well and then offering the right solution required for the business operations. Today each business wants their systems to be secured from DDoS attacks as well as their systems should be performing well during these attacks. These technical experts offer different packages for their services and if any client needs customised solutions then it can be arranged as per their specific need. Their strong and powerful DDoS protection systems are capable of defending any attacks and keeping their client servers and data absolutely safe and reliable all the time.

For more info:- click here

All You Need To Know About DDoS Protection 9 years ago

DDoS or Distributed Denial of Services problem can lead to large burdens over businesses and cost a lot within a short period of time. The businesses that run only because of their speeds have to bear huge losses when the site goes down of unwanted reasons or have holes in their communication channels with their potential customers. It leads to straight loss of revenues and resources which is why it is imperative to devise ways for DDoS protection. Here are some chosen methods that can be used for this purpose:

On The Firewall Level: Network controllers can always use some simple tricks for keeping ports, protocols, as well as IPs safe from the attacks. The level of protection mainly depends on the location of firewall in the network. Firewalls are very apt for obstructing internal flooding of attacks though they are not that smart to determine the difference between good traffic and attack. The complex attacks are, however, not easy to sort out as it is impossible to get rid of all traffic over a port as it also keeps away the genuine traffic from reaching the server.

DDoS Mitigation Tool: Another specific way is to make switches with an automated control for capacity. Consequently, they can restrict data floods at the level of a system and tailor the traffic as per need. They can delay the binding, TCP splicing bogon filtering, as well as deep packet inspection. Traffic customization delays selective or complete data and bring them in a desired order. It is also known as traffic rate limiting. It can also be utilized for enhance the usable bandwidth of particular traffic by killing the bandwidth access for other people.

At Router Level: Network engineers are quite capable of establishing the rate limiting ability of the router and form a control list. Due to these modifications, routers can stop flooding of requests during a DDoS attack. It keep the accessibility of network up for the original users.

Black Holing As Well As Sink Holing: Sink holing means sending traffic to one IP that receives incoming traffic as well as keeps filtering it for getting rid of bad traffic. Back holing, on the other hand, is related with sending of incoming traffic to a false IP address which doesn’t let the attack affect the servers.

Other useful ways include colocation, usage of clean pipes, preventions for using proactive testing, as well as intrusion prevention systems.

A Brief Guide On DDoS Protection And Attack 9 years ago

DDoS or Distributed Denial of Services attack is an effort to paralyse the computer users and not the resources. There are a number of ways in which a DDoS can be carried out but the most common one is attempt by a single person or site to function so effectively that the target page goes down for a temporary period of time. The attackers usually target the busy and big portals like banks, payment gateways, and so forth. Even the root net servers sometimes face such attacks. The term “DDoS” is used not only in respect to sites ut also the computer networks and it is never restricted to one single area.

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The most common way to bring down any site is by saturating the target with hundreds of communication requests so that they are not left with any option to respond to genuine traffic. Or sometimes, the response time is so slow that the visitor is compelled to move on to other place. Usually, DDoS attacks utilize the resetting of computer resources so that there cannot be any other way to render their services by original users and the victim gets incapable of communicating with others. The DDoS is a legally a violation of IAB Internet proper usage policy and is a criminal offence.

The major symptoms of a DDoS attack are: • Very slow network speed and performance and opening of files is highly slow.

• Non-availability of a particular page or site.

• The flooding of spam in the inbox and other stuff like that

The denial of service attack also leads to relative problems to the branching network of the computer. For instance, the router bandwidth between LAN and internet threatens not only one computer but the complete network associated with it. It can attack on a very large scale across geographical boundaries till the limit where internet connectivity goes. There are a lot of ways in which DDoS attack can take place. But usually, these are classified into five types:

  1. High utilization of resources like disk space or CPU time or bandwidth.

  2. Disruption in configuration information like routing information.

  3. Rapid adaptation of public information like spontaneous remission of TCP sessions.

  4. Problem in physical network parts or components.

  5. Hindrance in means of communication between the customers or users and the target so that everything gets delayed and meaningless for both the parties.

You can always take professional help to avoid this problem, there are several ways to defend from these attacks and DDoS Mitigation is one of the most common ones.

For more info:- DDoS Mitigation

Can you deal DDoS attacks very efficiently? 9 years ago

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks have become very common. From small to large, all kinds of businesses are affected by DDoS attacks. Hence, there should be an effective mitigation service so that you will be able to manage the server very efficiently. The service to the user will be disrupted by a DDoS attack. The attack will be scrubbed by a service provider which is known as mitigation. The mitigation is done successfully by checking anomaly recognition, anti-spoofing, packet inspection and cleaning. All these measures are implemented so that bad traffic will be segregated from the good traffic.

Selection of best mitigation service It is very much important to choose the best DDoS Mitigation service. It is a specialized service which can be offered by a reputed company. The company should have necessary infrastructure and manpower to accomplish the task. It should invest in right kind of systems and those systems should be upgraded at regular intervals.

There are different kinds of network threats. Proactive security should be provided and there should be the rapid response when attacks take place. There are three kinds of service deployment models. The design guidelines should be followed very accurately so that you will be able to make the most of the setup. Enterprise customers will be benefited from managed network protection solutions. Last mile connections and internal infrastructure will be protected by managed network protection.

Hosting services are protected from DDoS attacks by subscribing to managed hosting protection. Bandwidth saturation can be prevented by going for peering edge protection service.

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Mitigation process By implementing the DDoS Mitigation process, traffic diversion will be initiated. Cleaning and injection will be done. The baseline learning will take place where components of protection solution will build a traffic baseline database. The database will be built with normal traffic pattern. Anomalous traffic can be identified when DDoS attack takes place. Special devices will be installed so that they will learn traffic patterns independently. After the completion of the learning process, an alert will be flagged by traffic anomaly detector. Mirrored traffic will be monitored continuously. If there is any abnormal traffic, a set of filters will be configured to record the event.

The pre-configured mitigation device will send an alert to put the attacked zone in protection mode. There will not be any diversion of traffic for other destinations. Through the scrubbing activity, the bad traffic will be eliminated and good traffic will be sent to the server. Thus, the scope for denial of service will be reduced drastically. The cleaned traffic from the guard will be injected into the zone. There are various kinds of injection methods. The method will be selected based on the type of layer. Dynamic filters of limited life span are removed after the completion of DDoS attacks.

Thus, in order to deal with denial of service attacks and distributed denial of service attacks, there are various methods. You should choose the best service as per the sensitivity of your business and budget.

For more info:- click here

How to protect your server very efficiently? 9 years ago

In order to protect your server very efficiently, you should hire services of a reputed company. The company should have the infrastructure and expertise to deal with DDoS attacks. The attacks should be monitored and an alarm should be raised immediately. Best mitigation service should be pressed into action so that there will not be any harm to your services. There will not be any disappointed user when your website is able to deliver service without any issues. You will be able to use the network infrastructure very efficiently by hiring the best service provider.

Quick detection and mitigation

By hiring the best DDoS Protection service provider, businesses will be greatly benefited. The protection service should be distributed geographically. If the scrubbing centers are located at strategic locations, operations can be handled very efficiently. All known types of attacks at various application levels such as network, transport and application will be thwarted by the service provider very efficiently.

When you hire the best service provider, best DDoS filtering techniques will be applied. Advanced routing systems are used and by installing anti-DDoS hardware devices, DDoS traffic which is close to the botnet traffic will be eliminated. The website availability will be maintained and the performance will not be affected during the attacks when you depend on a reliable service provider.

The best DDoS protection will fulfill your needs on 24/7 basis. There will be experienced mitigation staff who will attend your needs very quickly. When your server is protected by the best and latest systems, there will be a quick response to signature attacks and vector changes. Biggest and strongest DDoS attacks will be handled in a professional way.

Protection from encrypted traffic

When you hire a reputed company, there will be best DDoS Protection. The cloud-based protection will mitigate at 3, 4 and 7 layers. HTTP traffic will be vandalized in real-time. There are proven solutions to attack encrypted traffic. Through the best DDoS Mitigation service, the traffic will be rerouted. This will make the attackers abandon their hunt as they understand that they do not have the capacity to overcome the DDoS protection. The attacks will be stopped quickly with the help of best infrastructure and human expertise.

If you go for best protection mechanism, there will be absolute peace of mind. The network traffic will be monitored at multiple levels. The monitoring will be done on multiple networks at multiple locations. Impact analysis will be done and if there are conditions of threats they will be notified immediately. There are many reasons to sign up with Hyper Filter to get protection from DDoS attacks.

They have the expertise to deal with all kinds of DDoS attacks. Through Research and Development efforts, new ways of attacks are tracked and monitored on a continuous basis. You can go for a service level agreement by which DDoS mitigation is guaranteed. Your server, network and other resources will be protected by going for the best solution offered by a reputed company.

Does Your Business Needs DDOS Protection? 9 years ago

Whenever we speak with respect to online threats, the only thing that comes to mind is anti-virus. But is anti-virus enough to protect your online assets especially when you own valuable enterprises such as ecommerce websites or online video gaming sites? There are several other ways of harming a web portal especially when it is doing very well. You need to strengthen your security system and upgrade up to the latest level. The routes that bring clients to your e-shop can also bring-in frauds and thieves who may try to attack your business by bringing down your site or crashing it. In common language it is known as Distributed Denial Of Services (DDOS) under which a site is flooded with incoming requests and the site gets inaccessible to those who actually need it. In short, the organic traffic is blocked and the site stops working due to extra inflow of undesired traffic. For a running business, it can be very dangerous and can affect your revenues and returns to a longer extent.

So, what is the best protection against DDOS attacks? The answer to this question will be provided by DDOS attack protection service providers. This kind of security is a must for dynamic sites which have users’ incoming all the time. The more interactive your site is with the users and higher is your dependence on incoming traffic, higher will be threat for its going down. A DDOS protection provider will analyze the size and structure of your site and will suggest you security in this respect. Before you rush to any service provider know that it is inexpensive so you need to be careful while choosing one. Hosting your site on a dedicated server might not always be a full-proof solution to this problem. You or your DDOS attack mitigation service provider must have a contingency plan in case of emergency.

Having a backup plan would ensure that whenever an attack takes place your site’s business does not gets affected and it gets back online within moments. Your audience and customers wouldn’t even know about any such disruption. Such solution can however cost you thousands of bucks while an absence of it may cost lacs and millions. The most subtle DDOS protection needs no download, maintenance, or installations. In case, the server you are hosting your website on has no contingency plan always try to keep another company as backup. The moment it comes to your realization that an attack is imminent just shift your website to another server which is updated with a defense plan. It may lead to slight interruption of services but the glitch wouldn’t be that big and you will be able to get over it within moments. For More Information Visit this : Colocation

DDoS PROTECTION 9 years ago

In the modern era of technology and globalization, human life has become very easy. Technology has put a solution to most of our problems and enhanced the daily activities. Yet it can be very hazardous at the same time when you are being cyber attacked. Cyber attacks are very normal these days and very popular business sites and those of other organizations are being hijacked every now and then. The Denial of Service (DoS) is one such term, which means when the respective users of the website are being denied an access to it. Description: The website can be attacked in many ways, like sometimes the whole infrastructure of the server is being attack. In other times, the communication methods and the applications are being exploited. The DoS is quite unlike the rest of the cyber attacks, in which the website is being hijacked only for gaining some sensitive data or information. What happens in the DoS is that the intended users are being denied to access the respective website. The security limits of the website are being breached. And the website gets unavailable to the users. It can be used for other kind of malicious goals as well. The hacker activists can highly benefit themselves from getting successful in the DoS process; they can affect the whole user line base.

DoS vs. DDoS:

The DDoS is something even bigger than the DoS. DDoS means the Distributed Denial of Service. It involves the process on a multi level in which multi computers or multi devices across the internet are being targeted. There are multi people doing it and it has got high volume of devices being involved in the process. DoS attacks are only single sourced. On the contrary, the DDoS is a multi-handed thing in which the while infrastructure of the network is being attacked sometimes to saturate a website with high traffic volume.

The two processes also differ in the manner they are being executed. DDoS consists of a multi cluster of devices that are connected. They are malware infected, which allows an attacker to remote control them. Situations:

DDoS is executed in the following situations:

• When there is some personal rivalry between two groups and they want to settle the scores, so they allow such attacks. This is done mostly in the case of online games of multi-players, where the partners do this against each other.

• This can also be applied in case of business. When there is severe competition and the businesses online are completely shut down for a long time. The cyber attackers are sometimes hired by the businessmen for this purpose.

• They are done in case of wars between the government and public, for silencing the opposing team etc.

You can never fully protect yourself from the cyber attack, yet there are certain steps that can lessen the storm e.g. keep an eye and be conscious via social media, misguiding the traffic; not keeping the original in the front, a response team for lessening the effect. Etc.

For More Information Please Visit this:- DDoS Protection

Facts about a colocation center 9 years ago

A colocation center or simply colocation is a form of data center that is available to retail customers. The retail customers can use the data center for a number of purposes. Some of the major uses of the data center that most retailers choose to go for are disk space, equipment and bandwidth. Customers can make use of these features of a colocation center for a number of purposes that they deem fit provided they are paying the owner of the center a specified amount of money. Generally, colocation centers are referred to as data servers that are available for renting. Here are some of the major highlights about colocation centers and the number of benefits that are associated with them.

Major benefits of colocation centers

Although not all the benefits of colocation centers have been documented, those who use them believe have claimed several benefits. Some of the major benefits that are associated with colocation centers are increased access to power and space, operational expenditure becomes predictable and easy to organize in the form of a model, professionals are responsible for managing data centers without the client’s involvement, better means of recovering from disasters in case they strike, availability of dedicated infrastructure for building cloud strategies, cheap to bring in additional capacity and as often as the need arises and several other benefits. Another notable benefit that comes with a colocation center is the fact that clients belonging to the center get a chance to share facilities with other reputable partners. What can a colocation center do for you?

• Space : a colocation center provides all the retailers enough space to run their businesses. They can use the space for a number of business tasks including dedicated server hosting, keeping data and shared hosting service plans. The space is managed by professionals who work round the clock to ensure the smooth running of the center.

• Physical security: when you are using a colocation center, you will be entitled to physical security. The professionals who are responsible for running the center will make sure that your data and your business are safeguarded at all costs without your personal involvement in the whole process.

• Networking equipment: when you are part of colocation center, you will be entitled to networking equipment. What is actually advantageous about this is the fact that the colocation equipment that is available to networking tasks is state of the art. Therefore, you can always enjoy state of the art networking equipment while improving your overall business performance.

• Power for the server: in a colocation center, power is available to the clients receiving services from the center. You can enjoy all the power that you need to successfully run your business system or your share of the colocation facilities.

• Cooling: cooling is also provided to all the center equipment irrespective of the sizes or relative importance.

• Connection to a variety of telecommunications and providers of network services: when you are part of a colocation facility, you will enjoy full access to telecommunications and a variety of network providers belonging to different network services.

For More Information Please Visit this:- DDoS Protection

Seek Reliable DDoS Attack Protection Service From Professional Experts 9 years ago

With each business going online there has been an increased need of right DDOS hosting service providers in the market. We all understand that now, whatever the trade may be it needs to have its presence online over the web in order to tap the market as well as mark their presence to the global business market and economy. So whether a business is small, midsized or large everyone needs to make sure that they have a business website as well as if the format of their trade is such that also do business online through their web stores. Even otherwise, all the relevant details should be available over the website and the business needs to ensure that they are up and running as and when the customer needs them and their products.

With this entire web based business and online presence DDoS attacks have grown which are much dreaded by online companies as well as all business website owners. Initially, each one has many questions in their mind as to what is a DDoS attack and what can be done in order to protect the business website, data as well as who can offer the relevant help?

DDoS Mitigation

DDoS attack is a technical way in which by sending heavy traffic to a particular service or website it can create havoc and thus by rendering the web site out of service for some time and thus resulting in business loss. This act or attack as we may label it also results in diverting and blocking the genuine and authentic traffic which is important for any business. We all must have heard about the different organisations website being hacked or brought down and twitter is one of the best examples which we might have witnessed every other day. So, one thing is for sure that Colocation service is a must for all the business houses that have their presence online.

For each business owner their business is everything for them and if by any way, it suffers it may a big trouble for their source of living. So everyone wishes that their business should do well, function well as well as keep running all the time. Your business website in the similar manner should also be up and running all the time and generating business for you 24X7 and you need to be certain that your site is secure and safeguarded from any kind of such viruses or attacks which can cause damage to your website and business.

DDoS protected DDoS Protection are important for your business website and a right and experienced DDoS hosting service provider can offer this simple solution to you and offer you peace of mind. These DDoS hosts who offer you hosting and security has multiple filters that keep your website free from any kind of attacks by rejecting the unwanted traffic on your website. Thus, only the traffic, which is meaningful and your business needs are diverted to your website.